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PT Berkah Tuo Tallasa adalah perusahaan yang salah satu bidangnya bergerak dalam industri penerbitan buku yang berfokus pada pengembangan dan penyebaran pengetahuan melalui karya-karya literasi berkualitas. Berdiri dengan semangat untuk menciptakan perubahan positif dalam dunia literasi, perusahaan ini mendukung penulis lokal pada khususnya dalam mempublikasikan ide-ide mereka ke dalam bentuk buku yang menarik dan informatif.

PT Berkah Tuo Tallasa mengkhususkan diri pada berbagai genre, termasuk akademik, pendidikan, referensi, sastra, dan umum. Dengan standar kualitas tinggi, perusahaan ini memastikan setiap publikasi melewati proses penyuntingan, desain, pencetakan dan distribusi yang profesional.

Berbasis di Kab. Gowa, Sulawesi Selatan, PT Berkah Tuo Tallasa dalam salah satu sub bidangnya yaitu penerbitan dan percetakan, berkomitmen untuk memberdayakan budaya membaca dan belajar melalui kolaborasi dengan komunitas literasi, lembaga pendidikan, dan toko buku. Nama perusahaan ini, yang mencerminkan makna "berkah" dan "tallasa" (yang bisa berarti kehidupan atau semangat dalam dialek lokal), mencerminkan misi utamanya: memberikan kontribusi positif bagi kehidupan melalui penerbitan buku.

Dengan dedikasi pada inovasi dan keberlanjutan, PT Berkah Tuo Tallasa akan terus berusaha menjadi pelopor dalam industri penerbitan.

A person wearing a grey herringbone patterned coat is holding and reading an open magazine or book. The pages contain text and several images, possibly images related to medical or scientific topics. In the background, books are visible on a shelf.
A person wearing a grey herringbone patterned coat is holding and reading an open magazine or book. The pages contain text and several images, possibly images related to medical or scientific topics. In the background, books are visible on a shelf.
A close-up of a person holding a book while engaging in reading or study. Another person is sitting nearby, both seemingly focused on their tasks. The setting suggests a studious or collaborative environment, possibly at a library or study room.
A close-up of a person holding a book while engaging in reading or study. Another person is sitting nearby, both seemingly focused on their tasks. The setting suggests a studious or collaborative environment, possibly at a library or study room.


Karya-karya akademik dan ilmiah penerbit Buku Berkah Tuo Tallasa.

A close-up view of a book or document opened to a page of text. The focus is on the printed words, with some parts of the text out of focus due to the depth of field. The text is arranged in columns, and the lighting gives a soft, scholarly atmosphere.
A close-up view of a book or document opened to a page of text. The focus is on the printed words, with some parts of the text out of focus due to the depth of field. The text is arranged in columns, and the lighting gives a soft, scholarly atmosphere.
A close-up view of an open book, displaying printed text in paragraphs with a focus on a specific passage. The text is clear and in a serif font, indicating a formal or scholarly tone. One page is slightly out of focus, creating depth.
A close-up view of an open book, displaying printed text in paragraphs with a focus on a specific passage. The text is clear and in a serif font, indicating a formal or scholarly tone. One page is slightly out of focus, creating depth.
Several magazines or books are neatly arranged on a ledge next to a large window. The publications have various covers, featuring artistic images and different colors, with one prominently displaying the text 'ARTMAP'. The light casts distinct shadows across the textured surface.
Several magazines or books are neatly arranged on a ledge next to a large window. The publications have various covers, featuring artistic images and different colors, with one prominently displaying the text 'ARTMAP'. The light casts distinct shadows across the textured surface.
A close-up of a row of vintage paperback books with various titles on their spines. The books are arranged vertically, showing a variety of colors and fonts, giving a nostalgic and scholarly atmosphere.
A close-up of a row of vintage paperback books with various titles on their spines. The books are arranged vertically, showing a variety of colors and fonts, giving a nostalgic and scholarly atmosphere.
A wide selection of magazines and publications neatly displayed on a newsstand. Various magazine titles are stacked in piles on shelves, organized in rows. The covers feature diverse topics such as fashion, lifestyle, health, and sports with bright and colorful covers, featuring bold typography and striking images.
A wide selection of magazines and publications neatly displayed on a newsstand. Various magazine titles are stacked in piles on shelves, organized in rows. The covers feature diverse topics such as fashion, lifestyle, health, and sports with bright and colorful covers, featuring bold typography and striking images.
woman wearing yellow long-sleeved dress under white clouds and blue sky during daytime

Karya-karya tulis yang diterbitkan sangat berkualitas dan bermanfaat untuk pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan.

Rina S.

An open book with visible text on both left and right pages. The text is formatted in columns, containing both headings and footnotes. The page numbers and chapters are visible, showcasing detailed content likely from a non-fiction genre.
An open book with visible text on both left and right pages. The text is formatted in columns, containing both headings and footnotes. The page numbers and chapters are visible, showcasing detailed content likely from a non-fiction genre.

Penerbit ini selalu menghadirkan buku-buku akademik yang relevan dan mendukung penelitian saya.

Andi P.

A close-up view of books arranged on a wooden shelf, with titles focusing on theological and religious themes. The spines of the books display various colors and fonts, suggesting a scholarly collection.
A close-up view of books arranged on a wooden shelf, with titles focusing on theological and religious themes. The spines of the books display various colors and fonts, suggesting a scholarly collection.